Coleby Plough Jag is a traditional mummers play associated with Plough Monday which is the traditional start of the English agricultural year and is generally the first Monday after Epiphany, 6 January. The exact origins of the Jag are not clear but it may have started in Viking times and evolved over hundreds of years into its present form.
The play is performed on the nearest Saturday for convenience of both spectators and performers, in the Gainsborough and Scunthorpe area. The performance features a hero/combat scenario with traditional characters such as the Doctor, Fool and Recruiting Sergeant and a few suspiciously beardy-looking ladies. The group also sing a number of songs in harmony like John Barleycorn and Drink Old England Dry – well worth a listen. Later in the day the team may perform at Bottesford, Scotter, Messingham, Ashby, Scotton and Burton upon Stather (full details to be confirmed). This year their tour will finish at The Lord Nelson Pub in Brigg on the afternoon of 6th January at around 3 pm. In 2014 they actually ran slightly ahead of schedule – you have been warned!
Visit their website for further information:
Coleby Plough Jag song “Absent friends” on YouTube